Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
\NmpudMPU Driver namespace
 oNdmpDMP namespace
 |\CMPUdmpMPU with DMP interface
 oNlogLog namespace
 |\NmsgsMessages namespace
 oNmathMath namespace
 oNregsRegisters namespace
 |\NmagMagnetometer Registers namespace
 oNtypesTypes namespace
 |oCmot_config_tMotion Detection configuration
 |oCzrmot_config_tZero-motion configuration
 |oCff_config_tFree-fall configuration
 |oCauxi2c_config_tAuxiliary I2C Master configuration struct
 |oCauxi2c_slv_config_tAuxiliary I2C Slave configuration struct
 |oCint_config_tInterrupt configuration struct
 |oCaxes_tGeneric axes struct to store sensors' data
 |\Csensors_tSensors struct for fast reading all sensors at once
 oNutilsUtilities namespace
 \CMPUMotion Processing Unit